Almost 37 weeks & progressing nicely!

On Thursday I will be 37 weeks with my little guy! 💙 At my 35 week & 6 day appointment I was 1cm dilated. And then at 36 weeks & 4 days I went into labor & delivery triage because of consistent contractions for 3 hours! I was 3cm dilated and 7
0% effaced and stationed at -1. Couldn't believe I progressed that much in just 5 days! Ended up loosing my mucus plug pretty quickly after they had me walking the halls, was all excited thinking this might be it, but then after being checked again I was only between 3-4 cm and still 70% effaced, but he is fully engaged now. Since I'm not 39 weeks yet they couldn't help me, but they wouldn't stop the contractions because I am far enough along that it's okay if he is born. Had my follow up appointment today and unfortunately am still the same. I'm still getting inconsistent contractions & Braxton hicks though so hopefully that's just my body preparing. I have every single symptom of labor approaching except for my water breaking! Really praying that baby boy will be here soon💙💙