Update! advice alcohol and weed found in nephews system


Update: so it been a month or two, i told my sister i wasnt going to lie to the police for her especially after finding out that her bf is telling everyone i did it. She has effectively cut me out of her life and i now have no chanve to even see pictures of my nephew let alone actually spend time with him.

I now have to figure out how to explain to my seven year old that she cant see her aunt or cousin anymore

So, kind of a long story, i was watching my nephew monday night for about four hours, during the course of the night he tripped (hes a year old) and fell face first into the door. I checked him didnt see any marks calmed him down and out him to bed. Then around four my mom called me and said he was acting funny, he woukdnt stand up and would fall over even when he was sotting and apparently he was really sleepy earlier that agternoon with my sister. I asked if he fell or hit his head, not even thinking about the night before and she said he had a btuise on his forehead. I told she should take him to the er just to make sure he doesnt have a concussion or anything. So they take him in and at about ten last night my mom calls me and says they found weed and alcohol in his system. Now baturally im possed and like how the hell did that happen and basically everyone is playing dumb. Babys mom doesnt smoke but the dad does and has friends that live with them that smoke and drink heavily, not to mention ive walked into their apartment and ha e seen weed just laying out on the coffee table where the baby can get it. My brother who lives with my also smokes and leaves his bong sitting on the living room floor. I dont drink or smoke, i have a six year old and even of i decided to start smoking again it would not be in my house. Anyway come to find out babys father is bitching at my sister telling her im going to die because i was watching him last. Normally i would understanf but i dont get how hes trying to put this on me when he leaves his shit laying around the way he does, and it really pisses me off that my sister didnt say anything or defend me when he said that. Also we all had to talk to cps, and come to find out they all basically told cps that they have never had weed in his apartment so it couldnt have happened there