Cycle buddy- Just start 8/14

Victoria • Mommy to a sweet girl, TTC#2
I'm pretty regular, average 28 days with AF lasting 5 days. 
I'm gonna get a little TMI here, my cycle starts medium(day1)with cramping, nausea, headache, gets heavy(day2),goes really light(day 3), and then on the 4th day it's like it starts all over, with heavy clotting, but no cramps(thank goodness!). After that there is usually one light day, and then usually a couple days of just brown discharge. (I don't count those as AF, because there is almost never even pink in that. 
Anyway, my husband and I just got married, but have been sleeping together, unprotected, for nearly 2 years. Now that we are married we are actively TTC #1. 
I do have ovarian cysts, and actually had one ovary removed about 3 years ago. 
Any buddies out there? I could use some encouragement. My husband wants babies, but doesn't understand how to help me emotionally.