My due date was 9/1/16 My baby girls birth stroyBorn at 38 weeks exactly I had went to a doctor apt ...


My due date was 9/1/16

My baby girls birth stroy

Born at 38 weeks exactly

I had went to a doctor apt around 8:00 am to have a regular check up done on 8/17/16. While i was there i told my doctor how i had spotted some blood on 8/10/16 about the size of a quarter an also on 8/11/16 about the size of a penny. I told her i called the clinic and was told not to worry it would be fine. My doctor checked and said everything was fine. Well later that day i was spotting blood off and on all day plus pressure and pains in my pee pee area on 8/17/16 at around 6 i called the after hours number to ask about what i should do. They told me to go to the hospital from the things i described it sounds like labor. I didnt think i was in labor because im sure i would have known but i went to the hospital anyways better to be safe then sorry. When i got there they said it looks like my plug was passing. Then said well we will do a ultrasound to check on baby see how things are in there. They asked when was my last ultrasound done and i told them i had a ultrasound done on 8/16/16 and everything was fine. (P.s i have ultrasounds done threw out my whole pregnancy due to my thyroid gland issues and high blood pressure issues ) well When they did my ultrasound it showed that I had very low fluid so they said you will be staying here and we will induce you. They gave me a tanpon type thing to open my cervix and bring it down. Then the next day 8/18/16 i had opened and dileted to 3 centimeters. So i started my inducing and got my epidural . I was also taking antibiotics for strap B down there. Around 7:35 pm on 8/18/16 at 38 weeks exactly i had my baby girl she was 7 pounds 14 ounces and 18ins long. She is doing well and i am happy i went to the L & D even when i didn't think i was in labor.