Apparently I don't do anything

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

My husband really thinks all I do all day is pump.

Not like I get up at 6 to get him up for work, I make him a lunch which is usually a sandwich because he won't eat left overs. I have to get the baby up because I have to take my husband to work since we're using our roommates car at the moment. All this while he's getting dressed.

Then I do laundry which there's always laundry because he changes his clothes at least twice a day. Why? I have no clue. It's annoying though. But he pays the water bill so oh well.

Then I clean the house, feed the baby, which anyone who knows a baby eats multiple times a day, and then sometimes have to figure out how to get grumpy baby to sleep so I can hop in the shower (it's been 4 days since I had time 😭).

Then get dinner out, cook dinner, make him a plate when he gets home. Let him relax. Have him watch the baby long enough so I can pump and use the bathroom.

But I don't do anything because I didn't get up in time to help him shave (there's no mirror in the bathroom so he had some difficulty doing it himself)

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Posted at
What you do is for a week or two maybe 3, depending on how hurt and pissed off you are, sleep in. Don't do anything around that house except care for the baby and your normal pumping. Don't wash a single dish, pick up a single stich of clothing, don't wash anything, dust anything... don't do nothing but care for the baby. Make his spoiled ass make his own lunch..etc.. that's how you nip this issue in the bud. :) you're welcome!


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When my husband decided to call me lazy and say I don't do anything (I was very very sick and I stay home with one of my children who has cancer and can't attend daycare) I decided to go about a normal day, but leave everything he uses, had or dirtied out. For two weeks. And he learned his lesson real quick that he never took the time to notice how much I actually do. 


Posted at
Ummmm what the hell are you doing?? He expects you to get up and help him SHAVE?! Are you fu**en kidding me??? I'm sorry but it sounds like you created this monster, now you're going to have to squash it. I make my husband lunch too, but it's done the night before. I do his laundry but make him fold it and put it up. He has a mirror in the shower....they're like 2 dollars at tj Maxx. 


Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Aug 20, 2016
Thank you yes it is and I'm very sleep deprived. I just can handle it better I guess. I'm gonna tell him when he gets off today that he was ridiculous


Mrs. J • Aug 20, 2016
Don't allow yourself to be walked on. You're sleep deprived too, this is a team effort, all of it.


Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Aug 20, 2016
He's never made an issue before but for some reason the sleep deprived man-child can't do anything suddenly.


Posted at
I'm guessing you've told him how much you do. Too bad he sounds ignorant. I wouldn't even worry about what he thinks if he's gonna be like that and not worry about making him nice dinners. 😝 And tell him to buy a mirror!


Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Aug 20, 2016
He's been here to see he just thinks taking care of the baby and everything is easy because he did it without a problem for 5 hours one day


Posted at
He would be a Sasquatch for all I cared after doing all that and you couldn't even wash ur lady bits?! Girl you are a good woman, I'd have to just be a horrible lazy wife.. There's no way. Make him do what you do on one of his days off, leave for at least 8 hours even if you go sit at a friends or moms all day and see how well he handles it. He likes to change twice a day? Pssshh!!! He will be kissing ur feet afterwards!!


Posted at
If my husband ever did that to me, I would separate what I use to what he uses and let it sit there until he sees what I do for him.  Dinner, clothes, hygiene-everything.  Us stay at home moms may look like all we do is sit at the house all day watching tv or taking naps but really if it weren't for us the house would never be clean, food would never be ready, clothes would never get washed, etc.  if that were my husband I would yell and tell him everything I do.  I can't believe he thinks that that is all you do when he has things ready for him that are clean and hot! Smh.  Seriously, I would speak up and tell him " I could just stop doing things for you."  I'm sorry you have to go through this, men don't understand what we do! We are great multitaskers. 


Posted at
Girl my husband tells me all I do is sleep all day while he's working his ass off! Yes I am a sahm....of 5 kids and 35 weeks pregnant!!! For the last 2 months while kids were home for summer our house looked like Katrina passed through because everything I cleanly kids would mess up x10! I gave up and told him I don't care if he don't like it, he can always bend over and clean up if it bothers him since I doubt it hurts him to bend like it does to me. He also gets on my case about looking dinner, which I use to do all the time but have learned since he doesn't eat it anyways that is rather just make something simple for the kids that I know they'll eat. We still argue about all this but I just don't take it to serious anymore because no matter what I'll always be the "wrong guy" my kids started school on the 16th and I am slowly getting my house out back together, on my own terms. I have 5 weeks till my due date and would like to have the house in order before then 😁 being a sahm is A LOT of work that's always 24/7  with practically no breaks and no pay 💁🏼😩😁


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Boys are so stupid!!! You know what don't wake him up on Monday or pack his lunch or lay his clothes out or get the baby up don't drive him and he will be singing a different tune 


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What I would do because I am passive aggressive and hate confrontation is stop doing for him. I wouldn't do the laundry only mine and babies and I wouldn't cook dinner. Then let him see how much you "do nothing" all day. 😊 


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For some reason my husband feels the same way. Like he works so much harder than me. It's very annoying because he goes to work and comes home. I am a preschool teachers aide. After a long day with other kids I come home to my own 2 1/2 year old. Cook clean and laundry. Feed our daughter bathe her and get her to bed all while pregnant. And all I do is complain. If he did what I did I'd never hear the end of it.