TTC after losing Kaison...👼🏼💙

We are TTC again... I love glow. I've used this app now TTC going on my third year. We conceived in March 2015, we were over the moon excited but so nervous at the same time. As soon as the news settled in for us we lost our little baby. It hurt. We questioned why too many times to count but in the end we stayed strong. Our miscarriage made us closer and helped us enjoy every moment in life we had. By December of that same year we decided to try again... This time it took a little longer, with each negative test I saw my heart broke a little more and more. A few months went by but we finally got another positive, March 2016... Wow, our rainbow baby. Our little one was not only due the same month as our angel baby but within 3 days of our last due date. My heart was overwhelmed with emotions, this was it...our rainbow. Our weeks went on as we made our announcements, came up with names, prepared ourselves because we finally we're going to become parents! Then one night everything came to a screeching stop, labor started. Now normally when you hear someone has gone into labor it's such an exciting phrase. Not for us, I was confused and didn't know what was going on. Late night to the ER to hear the words "we can't save this baby." I couldn't go down without a fight... I begged and pleaded but it was too late. My sweet Kaison came into this world, physically but not spiritually. He was perfect, everything about his little 18 week old body. As the days and nights went on most of the time I laid there begging to let this nightmare be over. I prayed God with take me, I would give anything to be with my angels. Physically my body healed and with lots of  counseling I found ways to help cope with our loss. We have now started TTC again. Sooner than we expected but my heart can't take it much longer. Prayers for this journey ahead.