Late period. Crazy symptoms and strange happenings...

Today my period is supposed to be due. Normally start spotting the day before just a lil. No sign of period anywhere... No pms, nothing. My symptoms : major head aches. Extreme nausea, throwing up in mouth alot, peeing wayy more then usual, out of nreath alot, extreme lower back aches, weird eatings. My strange happenings : dreamed of allege eater fish, sting rays, and some other fish i dont remember. Then me and BD was at his house when a cat sat outside the house staring inside and when i came out the house the cat watched me walk to the truck then ran. Then when we left that street it was a cat chasing the truck till a certain point it stopped. I find that very strange and sorry for tmi but ive been very wet down there all day everyday for 2 weeks now.... Anybody else going through anything crazy?