Still Unbelievable

Kori • A princess was born 08.17.16 💓 my Kyliee Brielle 👑 💛
Went to the hospital a day before my due date (August 16th) that was the first time I experienced what contractions felt like. Worst pain ever. I was only dilated 3 and a half centimeters. So they gave me medication and sent me home. I was in pain that wholeeee day and night. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't do anything. They were coming back to back. I spent that whole night just walking around the house every time a contraction came. My water broke while attempting to go to sleep at 4:30 in the morning. I felt and heard a pop, stood up and a gush of water came coming down. Went to the bathroom to pee and after I got done, some more came out 😔 by this point I was in tears because the pain was unbearable. Call the ambulance, good thing I'm like 7 minutes away from the hospital. Got to the hospital at like 5. I was a full 10cm. Baby girl was ready to come and it was way too late for epidural. I pushed her out in 3 pushes though 😯 I swear I thought I had to shit 😂😂😂😂 the contractions were worst then the actual birth. But she came into the world a healthy 6lbs 1oz and I couldn't be any happier. Very great experience but NEVER AGAIN 😔 💯