My Birth Story


PS (Pain Scale) 1-10

So, I got to the hospital Wednesday(8.17.16) night at 7:30 to be induced. Got checked in and they inserted Cytotec at 8:15pm.

I started getting a slight crampy pain, PS2, around 9:45pm. They got a little more intense, PS4, around 10:15pm. I went pee and they actually got less intense, PS2, by 11:00pm. Now, that whole time the contractions were back to back, like 1 minute apart. But they felt more like Braxton Hicks then contractions.

The baby was not doing so well from the contractions being so close together so they had me on Oxygen at 11:40pm. He responded to the oxygen so I was done with it by 12:00am. The Cyrotec stressed baby out, so they stopped with the induction process by not giving me oral dose or anything else to get the ball rolling. They told me the doctor would be in in the morning to check me and see where we would go from there. So, I went to sleep as I was not in any pain. Good night. 😔

Good morning! The doctor checked me at 9:00am (8.18.16). I was 2cm dialted, -3 station, and 30% effaced. She ordered for pitocin. Pitocin was started at 9:30am. They kept adjusting the flow because I wasn't feeling any intensity at all. The worse my PS got was a 6 while on the pitocin. And they were monitoring him closely.. so if the contractions were too close together they would back it off.

The doctor came back at 3:00pm and I was 4cm dialted, and 50% effaced.. but she wouldn't break my water because he was really high up still and that could cause the cord to slip through and cause problems.

Well, I was sitting on the birthing ball most of the day because those hospital beds are brutal. So, the anesthesiologist walked in at like 5:30pm and said he was there to give me an epidural and I told him I didn't want one. (I've had 2 bad experiences with them and I really wasn't in any pain) The second he walked out of the room I stood up to go to the bathroom and POP!, my water broke at 5:35pm like a ballon popping.. I felt the pop and heard it! I freaked out because it was so weird feeling! 😢 This is my 3rd pregnancy and never had my water break on its own. I was apologizing to the nurse because I made a mess of the floor. 😂

Well, I started having intense contractions like right away. I was standing up rocking side to side holding onto the railing of the bed because it felt so much better then laying or sitting in the bed. My PS went from a 2 to an 8 within minutes. By 6:15pm, PS9, I had an urge to push as I was feeling so much pressure everytime I had a contraction. So the nurse checked me and I was 8cm. She went and called the doctor to come in right away. The feeling is absolutely insane and so hard to describe. But it's like a horrible pressure, like I kept saying I felt like I had to poop. And I actually farted a few times and was apologizing to my husband because I never fart or even poop around him. 😂 The doctor got there and I was freaking out because I wanted to push and she said start pushing. But it's so weird because you want to like hold it in instead of relaxing and letting it out. I pushed with my legs up, PS10, through 4 contractions.. 3x each contraction. Now, without having any drugs or pain relief I was able to feel exactly where and how I needed to push to get him out. The "ring of fire" as they call it is no joke. It hurts like a mofo. I screamed like I've never screamed before. He was born at 6:46pm, August 18.

Ashton John

6lb 11oz. So worth the pain. 😍💙