Advice please?

Need advice: my husband works out of town for months at a time.. This time around he got lucky enough to work right next to his half sister. (Same dad) so he's staying with her for like 3-4 months and saving a ton of money rather than spending it on a hotel room. Anyway; his sister is super lazy I guess. She has one daughter, a 1.5 year old, she's a pot head, (not hating at all) and her or her hubby doesn't work. He lives off unemployment... Well she won't do the dishes or clean up after herself.. She literally leaves a bowl of cereal on her daughters high chair for days.. Or a plate of rotting fruit on the coffee table... They left out of town for a week and left all their dishes. My husband decided today he's had enough and did the dishes... Well he opened one of their coffee cups and it was full. He said it came out like melted peanut butter... And milk was rotting in a bunch of cups and bowls. He's so grossed out and at this point doesn't want us coming out to see him at all....
I don't want to offend her in anyway, think there's anyway of him saying something or should he leave it alone??