Arguing with boyfriend over unborn childs religion

So I was baptised catholic. My boyfriend was also baptised......but years down the road he converted his religion to Muslim. Now, I was saying how I would also like to baptise our child because its something that my family has always done but mostly because I feel as though its the right thing to do. I figure, I was baptised my boyfriend was baptised......and so our child can be baptised as well. Personally I wouldn't force a religion on my child I would rather them choose their own down the road I guess, although I would educate them about different religions and their beliefs. My boyfriend was saying he doesnt want the baby baptised and he wants to raise it Muslim. I said well I would like to have him baptised and then later on he could convert like you did if that's the choice that is made. And he keeps going against me. I'm not sure what to do in this situation. I think its fair to have the baby baptised & then later on he could also convert if that was the decision. I think its fair for the both of us.