Introducing dog to baby.

I have a staffy mixed spaniel who's 2. She absolutely adores everyone, never barks in the house, knows her commands well and etc., she's our first baby and will always be our baby. We're pregnant with our first child, she HATES CHILDREN. Like I'm very sure she'd attack them if she could.. We're getting a trainer to work with her but what others ways did work for you guys when you introduced your pets to your child? She can be very territorial with me and chooses dogs who she's okay with. She only has like 1 dog she absolutely adores out of the many she's met. I'm planning to order baby products with scents and apply it on myself so she'll get use to the baby's smell when baby arrives and all., she also smells and likes to bond with my belly a lot but I really can't trust her yet being around children. What else can I do? Finding her a new home is out of the question!