Vaccines for you

So a lot of people talk about not vaccinating their children, but what about yourself. I just got back from China and two of the vaccines I needed for that country were Hep A and Typhoid both of which you can get from just drinking contaminated water. And I remember as I was drinking water in a restaurant being so thankful that I didn't have to worry about the water in my cup or the water my food had been cooked in because I knew the vaccine protected me. So I'm asking, if you needed vaccines to go to another country or simply it was a good idea to get certain vaccines to protect yourself, would you get them? 
Now this isn't for your baby. This is about you as a person, would you protect yourself from harm. And for everyone who says mixing vaccines are bad. Yes, they are if both are live vaccines, but the doctor would know not to. 
EDIT** And for everyone like but autism, please don't comment because autism has been linked to being a genetic disorder.