I'm making a change

Tori • Married with 2 year old mini me :) B/G twins due 4/2020

I am 26 and married to a great man. My husband is a high school drop out (i made him go back and get his GED) but luckily he was able to acquire a certain skill set and move up in his company fast and he makes great money.

I on the other hand have a bachelors degree. I was a CNA in high school, a certified pharmacy technician for several years and now I work at a TPA for workers comp. My husband is still pulling in almost 3 times the income as me. I can't help but feel a little sour. I have student loans and no pride in my job whatsoever. Although I feel blessed that my husband has found a good paying career that he loves, I can't help but feel like a loser.

My younger brother and sister are almost done with their masters in engineering. My family is filled with engineers, nurses, zoologists, accountants and even my third cousin used to work under Bill Gates.

I have been putting off returning to school because I feel too old, I might get pregnant soon (hasn't been happening for us) or scared to lose my income.

We live very comfortably, we bought our own home at 22, 23. We frequently travel worldwide, etc.

But now I finally realized for the sake of my sanity I need to do something else with my life.

Have any of you ladies gone back to school at a later age or made a significant career change?

I decided I am going to do it but I really want some imput from others.
