Actuality, or imaginary? Help appreciated.

Today is my child's first day of kindergarten. I was 19 when I got pregnant, had him at 20, and struggled the last 6 years to get by on limited resources because I don't have a college degree, neither does my husband.... We've been living from check to check, never enough money extra to pay for childcare, never any (kid) free time on my hands. Well, now that today marks the hours I'll be kid free while child is at public school, I am pregnant again. And here goes another 6 year sentence, if you will :/ I guess I'm just looking for someone else who's been here in this place I'm in, worried about my youth slipping by while I child rear but never really build myself. I have no kind of resume, or schooling.... I'm concerned for what this means for my life. I'm feeling guilty for wishing I wasn't pregnant again. Does anybody feel this way/going through something similar? Are you happy to have a young one all over again? How did you make things work? Is there ever any time for YOU? Are you happy?