I need answers

6+2 and what symptoms I did have are gone besides peeing often but that's due to increased water intake. I had slightly tender bbs at 5 weeks and that has faded at 6. This is my second pregnancy and I don't remember my first preg symptoms except that there weren't many. Does your body adjust quicker the 2nd time around? I know everybody and every pregnancy is different. This just has me worried. I wasn't nervous with my first about mc but I am with this one, I dont know why as I've read sometimes 1st pg can lead to mc. I've never had one before but this decrease in symptoms has me worried is all.  Anyone lose symptoms around this time and have a healthy baby? No severe cramping. Just some slight discomfort sometimes and a tad bit of Round Ligament ache to the R and L of bellybutton but not often since it's still early.