onset of a UTI?

Krista • Twenty-three years old, married, three kids! 😊
Okay. So I've never had a UTI before and I'm concerned I might be getting one. I've been having frequent urination and creamy white discharge (I'm having more than normal, I'm nine days away from my period from what this app says) there's been no pain, no swelling, no itching, and not a foul smell..  Sorry if that's TMI. But I've read online that those can be symptoms (terrible idea to look up symptoms online by the way). At the moment, I don't have insurance so I can't go to the doctor without paying out of pocket, so I don't want to go if there's no reason. 
I always clean down there with mild soap and water, I always pee after sex, and he always cleans himself before sex as well.