Was I spanked or abused?

I recently read through the currently popular thread about whether spanking was right or wrong and it got me thinking about my own childhood. I'm torn on what to think honestly. 
I was spanked as a child. I once remember my dad driving us (my little brother, age 5 and I, age 9) out to the country while we were out of town so he could spank us without anyone hearing. He opened the backseat doors and had us each bend over our seat and he went back and forth spanking us with his belt while we cried. 
I first remember telling my mom I didn't like my dad when I was 8 years old. She told me that was bad and never talked to me about it again. I was so afraid of him, though I don't have a lot of memories of him before I became a teenager. When I was 11 I asked my mom to go to therapy because I thought I was depressed and she told me I was just sad and didn't know what depressed was at my age. 
I don't have a lot of memories with my dad ever except being afraid of him all the way through adolescence and my mom and I have never been close. She's just not really emotional. 
I guess I don't really have a lot of information to help your opinions... I do feel that actions in my teenage years were abusive, and when I question my parents about these things they deny it even happened (even when my mom was literally sitting there watching my dad pin me to the ground) which makes me not believe their opinions on spanking me in my childhood. Not to mention that after large physical events my dad would tell me he forgave me for hurting him. (Emotionally, not physically. I never touched him.)
Idk. Now I'm rambling. I guess I'm just wanting any thoughts on all this. I'm not sure if I should forgive my parents and move on or if I have serious reasons to distance myself from them.