Something isn't right... UPDATES 💔😔

We've always had a rocky relationship. I'm not going to drag this out but we recently made new gmail accounts for Pokemon Go. And a snapchat account was made with it, And that's really all they are used for. 
I saw something on Instagram that made me wonder so I decided to check his new email. (We already have Instagram accounts made with our Yahoo emails!) and it shows an Instagram has been made with this new email.. 🤔 but when I go to look up this account with the gmail... It's not there? 
My man says he don't know why it's on his email, that he didn't make a new one.. But then why was it on his email? 
Update 〰 the fake Instagram was his. The girl sent me screenshots of him messaging her, but he deleted it really fast when I asked him about it. That's why I couldn't search it with the email, the account was removed. 
He's said he is going down the path and he's sorry but it's best if we go our separate ways. 😔 he says I'm crazy, I always look for something to get him in trouble, when I don't. I've had a few gut instincts and acted on them, and I was always right. I was always being lied to or hurt. 
But I'm "crazy" "I'm psycho" & he just don't  want me anymore. I've never been strong enough to let him go, he'll always leave, then he'll want to come back and I always let him, but I guess if he don't want me anymore I will let him go. Me and my Unborn son will be okay. We will make it work. 
When he leaves I won't have anything. Not a bed, a couch, no dresser... Nothing. But I'll be okay. 
I need to be strong, I need to do what's best for me and my son. Even if that means letting him go. No matter how much I wanna fight for him, and tell him we can get through it.. I guess it's true you can never change who someone really is, or what their true intentions really are. 
Update 2 〰 He says he will be with me, but I can't have the passcodes to his accounts or phone anymore ...!