afraid of hurting my friends

so about a month ago my best friend broke up with me and I had been talking to one of his friends, not like flirting but just talking as friends, and we became really good friends. well after spending a week with the two of them together, even though I thought I was over my best friend, I realized I wasn't. he also isn't over me and told me that the only reason he broke up with me is because he knows how all his other relationships have ended (though these happened a long time before we dated) and told me that he still loves me but he's afraid that he'll mess up and lose me forever. I'm still very much in love with him, but it turns out his friend is also in love with me. since I'm great friends with both of them I really don't wanna hurt either of them and I'm afraid I'll do that. Throughout the week I spent with the two of them I noticed there was some jealousy between them whenever I was hanging out with the other. what do I do? please help!