Should i test?

Information to help: (this is my estimate, give or take a day)

I have a 26 day cycle

I showed signs of ovulation around CD13

(Yes DH and i had done the deed on this day and around this day)

Around 8-9dpo i noticed (and DH) that my boobs had gotten bigger. Shrugged it off because I'm not charting anything ATM or rather trying not to think about it.

I am now 11dpo my boobs are huge, they feel hard/bruised along the sides and tops by the armpit crease, the left boob seems more affected.(usually my boobs are sore and swollen 7 days before my period until its starts, but not hard)

Intermittent: headaches/migraines(am), nausea, cramps, mood swings, indigestion, weird dreams (am). Like i said i haven't really been paying attention.

Please please please help me.......

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