Advice please

I quit my job because my boss was a total douche (his favorite past time was racially profiling people and using derogatory words for different races, MY FAMILY IS BI RACIAL) Anyways, so my SO asked me to just get a part time job so I did.. the next day found out I was pregnant. I was told I was only 6 to 8 weeks but got an ultrasound to be sure and I was 16 weeks! So long story short I had to tell my boss right away and I did. Well now I have been scheduled for 10 hour days EVERYDAY except for Mondays. And I'm on my feet the entire time! I'm a high risk pregnancy due to a velamentous cord insertion and 2 vessel cord. Not to mention, I am COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED and it's so hard to do preggo. I'm now 22 weeks Saturday. What should I do? !