TTC failure

So.... I'm so not pregnant that the negative lines on the test were bold. I'm so sick of these negative tests. I have PCOS and been getting treated for it. I still have had no luck and with every negative I get, I get more depressed. I can't help but feel like such a failure all I want is a child and my body refuses. 1 miscarriage and never been able to conceive. It's like my depression is far worse today than any other time. My husband tries to help saying things like "it's probably my sperm count being low" and "I'm probably the reason we can't have kids" and reality is we both know that it's my body. I'm trying to keep my spirits up but with everyone getting pregnant and seeing women have the one thing I really want and can't have is just hurting me more than anything. (I'm not selfish and don't want it to sounds like that just an observation) it seems like when you want something you can't have, it seems to follow you to haunt you and remind you that you can't have it 😞