Help please!!!

11 days late. I was only on birth control for one month (July) and stopped taking it the first week of the August pack, and I had btb for about 3 days and didn't continue to take the birth control. I have had unprotected sex throughout the month and today, I got a bfn. Could I possibly be pregnant and it not showing up yet? Or due to me stopping my pills, my period is delayed or skipped? I'm not stressed about it or anything else. I'm a pretty calm person and rolls with anything, but I do want to know whats going on with my body. I have had pregnancy symptoms and I know some symptoms associate with btb, but the symptoms have continued two weeka after and now, still..) Just needing some insight, advice, educate me please!! I do have a gyno app next month and I plan on waiting for my next period to show or not and go from there. Thank you!!!