Is this all normal? Concerned!

Hey ladies! I guess recently my pregnancy symptoms have really kicked off and I'm just concerned and curious if it's all normal or maybe something I should contact my doctor about. It's my first baby so I'm new to this whole being pregnant thing :) 
I'm 27 weeks! 
First off my sleeping patterns are totally jacked up and some nights I literally don't sleep more than an hour. I feel like this is happening more often than not, I'm just tossing and turning and peeing and aching! 
Secondly, this past week I have been waking up with bad headaches everyday. Mostly on my left side. 
Third..the swelling in my hands and feet are very Noticeable now and almost disturbing! If you press on my skin it doesn't stay down but last night at the football game my feet were the size
Of balloons. 
I have gained about 35-40lbs unfortunately and maybe I'm paranoid that I could be unhealthy because of all the weight. Glucose test is coming up on the 9th but I guess I'm just wondering if any of y'all have had similar experiences! ❤️❤️