I laughed him out

I had a membrane sweep exactly at 39 weeks. I was 2cm. It was uncomfortable but way easier than birth. My dr said if it works I would know in 12 hours. I also had one at 38 weeks and nothing. So I wasn't to hopeful. I had it at noon. Started contractions but not bad. Then had my mucus plug /bloody show & spotting. By 7p I was having strong contractions. By 10:30 my water broke. Got to the hospital after calling my dr by 11p I was 4 cm &admitted. At 6cm i got my epidural. Only problem was it stop my progress. At 6am still at 6cm. Potocin started. Next thing I knew I felt urge to push. I kept telling hubby don't look down. Well on my second push he looked and I looked at him and his face looked like he was just hit in the face! He must've noticed I was looking at him because he changed his face and I burst out laughing! ! 2 more pushes and at7:47 am . Aug 11. He was here. My perfect angel. I was so nervous as my oldest is 18 and younger 14. Blessed through the whole pregnancy and birth. He is healthy. He was 7 lbs 9oz and 20 in. In 2 weeks he's at 9lbs1.5oz. Glad he waited till he was out to beef up. Lol my older 2 were all natural and let me just say epidural was sent from heaven. I have high pain tolerance but just nice to enjoy my entire experience.