
Kaity • Hello everyone! Happily married and TTC baby #1 since December 2015.

Hey ladies! I've got a bit of a weird request. Do any of you know of any methods to help induce your period? Or if that's even possible?

I'm currently on CD 115, I haven't had a period since about April or May? I'm really worried and I've been to my OB/GYN and she ran tests, did blood work, and gave me an ultrasound and said everything is 100% fine and normal, I just have a small cyst on my left ovary that's due to ovulation and it won't effect my fertility or ttc and that it'll go away on its own and my period will start like normal. But still no luck and I'm a little bit at my wit's end! All the help and encouragement would be appreciated, thank you ❤❤