B Bellies

I've never been overweight and was thin before getting pregnant. My stomach was never completely flat, but my abdominal muscles were in good shape and I continue to work out 3-4 times a week with a trainer. I'm feeling a little disappointed and dare I say, ashamed- because at 18 weeks, I am just finally starting to have a noticeable bump but it's not round or cute. It's more like a B Belly and the area where my navel is gives the belly a "flat" edge. It looks like a spare tire below the navel.  Has anyone else with a similar fit but not super skinny body experienced this? I've read online and it seems that mostly overweight or heavier women have experienced this, but I am pretty small and keep fit. Especially when I was planning on having a family, I focused even harder on my fitness to be stronger as I heard it can help down the road with delivery and post partem. Just wondering if it's a phase and will eventually change into the round belly that I always pictured having. Or if it's just me! Every woman and every pregnancy is different. :)