He's here! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป Welcome Baby boy Finn

Our mister Finnley Walter Myers put me into labor at 630am Sunday August 21st. I was admitted into the hospital around 11am and up to the Labor and Delivery floor because his heart rate kept dropping every contraction. I did labor naturally until about 430pm on the 21st and decided that if I needed an epidural I wouldn't be able to stay still for much longer because of how intense the contractions were from back labor. Finn was sunny side up and his heart rate dropped at my every contraction and every time I pushed (due to his umbilical cord being wrapped around the top half of his body twice). So around 2pm on August 22nd we decided it wasn't worth him getting stuck and to go forward with a csection. ย Once we got him out, we realized my pelvis was very small and too close to my spin that wouldn't of come out on his own, and that I was never able to deliver babies naturally. After 32 hours of labor, Finn was born at 2:57pm, 7lbs 15oz, 19inches long on August 22nd 2016. Jordan was an amazing support system, and so loving and caring. Another beautiful life event that has proven we can get thru anything together. Welcome to the world Baby Finn ๐Ÿ’™