Baby boys name is going to be a hard compromise... Help!

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
Hubs is from El Paso - he's half Mexican/White - is no cowboy, but loves cowboy (redneck) names. I'm California thinking business unique and strong - far from redneck. He's loving Wyatt Cash for first and middle. I'm not but could potentially use Wyatt and put Wyatt Schuyler (Skyler - family name and spelling) but he keeps saying Cash this and Cash that.. Nope. Nothing against it, I just know 2 Cash's and they're suuper country. Just not a fan. 
I have names like Gray, Cruz, Crew, Austin, Thomas, some weird ones like Sage (Wyatt Sage), or Lane... 
I don't know how to compromise here. Cash is a definite no for me but he's not listening. 
Do you ladies have ideas of modern country names that could be considered more modern than country? Any ideas outside of what I have?? HELP!!