Feeling discouraged..

My husband and I made the decision a little over a year ago to stop preventing, although we haven't been actively trying either. I've been trying to make sure we have sex during my fertile window (according to glow) but... Nothing. And I never seem to have the egg white CM everybody talks about when I should be ovulating. It's always either really thin or really thick and creamy (but not smelly or anything). So this month I've been using ovulation tests and they are all coming up negative. Now I'm wondering if I am ovulating at all? I know I need to go see a doctor but I am scared that there's something wrong with me. 😞 I was on BC for a long time... Maybe my body just needs more time? Maybe it's all just coincidence and we're not having sex at the right time? I don't know. And I haven't been able to bring myself to talk to the hubby about it yet.