Why I'm choosing a midwife for my next baby

I hate my doctor well he's a good doctor just a asshole I've had a serious problem with swelling lately so I got to my appointment and I found out that in 3 weeks I gained 20 pounds !!! I haven't ate differently I'm pretty sure it's because of my swelling I mean I get it in my hands, face, legs, feet for no reason he then tells me I'm obese and basicly ruined my body I'm never gunna be able to be in the 140's again he said he worries about preeclampsia if I don't change but he never test to see if I have it already I'm 19 years old and being told I'm gunna be obese after this baby is heart breaking I've been eating the same actually a lot healther then I did during the 1st and 2nd trimester he never once told me I was gaining to much weight