Pregnancy weight gain :(

I'm seriously starting to get depressed about this weight gain during my pregnancy!
Today marks exactly 31 weeks for me.
Before pregnancy I was a very fit and healthy 135lbs. I'm 5'4. Now I weigh 170lbs and I know I still have more to gain! This is the heaviest I have ever been, and it's SO depressing.
I had to stop my workout routine due to health concerns...the most I can do now is walk but that's still very limited. 
I will admit I stopped eating raw & clean since getting pregnant...which I think depresses me even more since I feel like my diet is to blame for getting so big.
I know exactly what diet I need to follow and what exercise routine I need to get myself back on. But I can't do anything until after baby comes. Even then I need to be careful because I will be breastfeeding-so workout supplements will be limited.
Anybody else struggling with these issues??