
Has anyone else had horrible nightmares while pregnant? Mine feel so real. I have an almost 4 year old and I'm 35+4 with a little girl. Lately I've been having the same nightmare. I'm up all night with the baby so I sleep in a little while the next morning while my mom comes by to help me with my oldest. When I get up I can't find them so I look out the window where there is all kinds of emergency personnel. Then I see my baby on the ground not moving. I run to him and I can FEEL him. I actually FEEL them pull me away and I have to watch them put my baby in a body bag. That's when I wake up screaming or crying or both. Some days it takes me a few minutes to realize it wasn't real. I'm so afraid to let him out of my sight at this point that I haven't slept more than 2-3 hours in about 3 weeks.