So worried 😔

So I woke up this morning & my underwear was soaked and I had made a wet spot on the bed. At first I thought maybe I had just peed myself in my sleep, but I'm only 24 weeks and nothing like that has happened before in this pregnancy or my previous pregnancy. I did the sniff test, it doesn't smell like urine. It really doesn't smell like anything honestly. I changed my undies & put a pantiliner in to be safe this time and laid down again for an hour. No puddle in bed this time, but my pantiliner & undies are very damp. What are the chances my water broke prematurely? I called my OB office but had to leave a message for them to call back & I'm sweating bullets in the meantime 😣 im mainly worried because I just went to the hospital last week for back pains & found out they were contractions, but I would only have 1-3 in an hour so they weren't worried about it and told me to follow up with my OB. Please help ladies, I could really use some advice/encouragement right now!