Anyone experiencing stomach tightening?

Every once in a while, not more than once a day, maybe every couple days or so I will feel stomach tightening. I was at the hospital last night due to bleeding from intercourse and they checked for contractions, nothing. But I haven't felt the stomach tightening for a while before that. Of course this morning I felt it and mentioned it to my doctor today and he kind of freaked out a little and told me if I'm having a contraction I need to go back to labor and delivery. But I've been having this weird feeling for a couple weeks now. I was trying to ask him if it was the baby in a different position or if they were Braxton hicks. He kind of freaked me out a little bit. I don't experience any pain and they aren't repetitive. Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm a FTM so Idk what to look for if they are contractions or just the baby really close to the front of my belly making it harder for a couple seconds. 26w2d