Sleeping a lot?

Lauren • Wife, J • 3.2017 💕 Mom, A • 7.2016 + A • 12.2018 + A • 8.2020 + A • 7.2022 💕
My boy will be 7 weeks on Saturday and it looks like he is working on sleeping through the night. Last night he slept from 11pm-6am and then 6:30am-10:30am. He was awake and has been napping on and off since 1pm. He's eating fine (other than only having 3 feedings so far as opposed to his normal 5 by this time) , and having plenty of pee diapers. But this happened so abruptly. He's normally up all day with cat naps throughout, as recent as yesterday! Other then the suddenness of it all, is there any cause for concern?