Out of town visitors after birth

Curious if anyone is in a similar situation. I am trying to prepare early, but I'm thinking about what to do about visitors after the baby is born. We live about 3.5 hours away from my family, but my mom and sister both said they will come as soon as they can when I go into labor. My in-laws are too far away to come when the baby is born, so they will be coming at Christmas. We don't have too many friends because we just recently moved here so I'm not too worried about a ton of visitors. This is our first baby and we are taking some time at the hospital immediately after the birth before anyone comes in to see baby. My dilemma is visits when we get home. I kind of want some time alone to adjust, but it also might be nice to have the help. Ideally, I'd like to have the first day home alone, then they can visit for just a few hours at a time the following days. I know now is the time to be selfish, but I'd feel terrible for them driving 3.5 hours to see us at the hospital for a few hours then staying at a hotel for a whole day not seeing us. And then only getting to visit for a few hours. Does anyone else have out of town visitors coming and don't know what to do?