Cows milk vs goats milk after mine?

Katie • Sporting Kansas City, Kansas City Royals, Kansas City Blues-- The City of Champions!
Hey all, 
My kiddo is 6 months old and has been on breast milk since birth. I was lucky and was able to produce some 400-500 oz extra and froze for when I start to ween. We started to feed him on solids- we crush and Puree avacados, bananas, apples and carrots for a little fun too. My worry is that I'm no longer producing like I used to and coming up short each day to meet his needs. I drink over 150 oz water daily and chow down on lactation bites. It just seems like I'm kinda powering down. --I exclusively pump for kiddo since the straight up nursing never stopped hurting. --
My question after a lot of research and continued research is what happens if I dry up and and run out of reserves? My husband and I both drink raw milk. Our supplier is awesome. I asked his advice and he said he has fed his kid their milk before they were one and look how tall and strong they are! (Well duh you're like 6'10". ). Others are passionate to scream how raw milk can pass e.coli. I won't do store milk that'd pasteurized -- it's the pasteurization that causes lactose intolerance. I've read goats milk is good. But I don't know enough. Others say formula works. But- I've read about what is put in infant formula, no long term studies - and how basically the USA is a Guinea pig for new fillers and additives. 
Best way to state how I'm feeling if I can't do breastmilk? You're danged either way. 
Moms: if you can't continue through a year what is your back up plan? What have you read? For now I'm doing to double down on water, lactation bites and whatever other means it takes to make it the next 5 months.