Was scared. trip to the ER on 9/3/16.

Last Saturday I went to the ER after ha I g some left side pain, by ovary. I had my blood taking for hcg levels. Also had an ultrasound done where all they saw was an empty sac. Doctor was telling me it could be a "false pregnancy", eptopic pregnancy, or a normal pregnancy but embryo too small to see. 
I was informed that I would need to go back in for another blood draw in two days to see if my levels raised. Doc said the numbers needed to double. First test was 4932 Saturday. Tuesday the levels were 7901. Doctor order another blood test for today so we could see a pattern and make sure it was still doubling. Well my levels more than doubled today they went up to 12042. Yay!! This is all good news. Which means the ultrasound they also scheduled for sept 14th should show my lil nugget!! This is my 6th pregnancy, all 5 previous little ones are all alive and healthy. I never had a scare like this before. And even though the nugget wasn't planned, we still love and want him/her to be healthy and happy and to be there. I couldn't imagine losing this little surprise. Feeling so relieved and excited about this journey.