Pro-Cannabis During Pregnancy

I am Pro-Cannabis for use during pregnancy, always have been and always will be. Whether recreational or medicinal, I believe all expectant mothers should have the ability to choose to medicate freely as wanted or needed, and I look forward to a future where doctors are prescribing THC/CBD-based relief, rather than pharmaceutical relief for things like morning sickness, emotional or mental displacement, or chronic pain, and postpartum stresses like postpartum depression and hormone realignment. There are many benefits to expectant mothers to practicing cannabis use safely! The world needs to be widely educated before it will become more socially acceptable, but in due time, it WILL happen. There is a future in cannabis, and it starts with our children. A mother should never be shamed for choosing to use marijuana over any other commonly prescribed pharmaceutical, or even using it safely for recreational enjoyment, so long as it is legal; Within the next 10-15 years, this will become normalized practice- there are doctors all over the world ready and willing to change the world, with just a simple plant. Just wait and see.