Pressure or possible ligament pains? Need advice?!

So I'm 19 weeks along and I'm having this pressure that seems so uncomfortable. I feel The pressure in my lower abdomen. It's always in that same spot. And it feels as though my baby's head has dropped or something and I feel the need to pee very frequently when this happens. Also, for some odd reason it happens in the evening. This started two days ago. I'm not cramping, nor bleeding, no weird discharge. 
I'm a little upset 😤 because  I called the nurse on call last night and she said this could happen as long as I'm not in pain or bleeding and to drink plenty of water. I didn't feel satisfied with her answer because she seemed kind of in a hurry so I called again this morning for a second opinion and another nurse answered  she sounded like she was new because she kept saying "Ummm...I've never heard of that" and she kept repeating herself asking the same questions over and over after I repeated myself no I'm not cramping no I'm not bleeding and told me to call again if it gets worse. I can't wait until my next appointment which is next Friday.  So I'm asking you ladies could this be normal? Has this happened to you? Very concerned...