IVF baby - betas rising good!

I am ecstatic with our progress.  Cautiously optimistic of course. But I need to celebrate, too!  
9/6: 11dp3d, or 14dpo: beta 83
9/9: 4w3d, or 17dpo: beta 243!
My first ultrasound will be at 6w6d Monday 9/26.  There the doctor will look for the yolk, gestational sac and heartbeat. 
<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is an emotionally draining experience. It is overcoming one painful hurdle to face the next.   It is one day of being over the top happy, to the next day immediately grieving in your bed.  There is no inbetween - you are on top or you are on bottom.  
I have passed the first beta hurdle.  Now I must spend these next two weeks patient with my fingers crossed praying to God my baby is hanging on, and that on 9/26 we will see our first child's heartbeat.