Is it too late to switch doctors?

This doctors office I go to , I've been going to since I was a baby. Me and my friend both. We're both pregnant but she's 2-3 months behind me. I'm 36w1d, and at my last appointment, I found out, for 5 months, my doctor hasn't been keeping up with anything really with my pregnancy (I'm in these prenatal classes they have, so I haven't had a 1-on-1 appointment since I was 12 weeks.) She didn't know when my due date was (which she changed and then said she never said it changed, which she did, but forgot she said it), I took the quad screen and glucose test, and she didn't even have my results, or even have on record that I took those tests, I haven't given a urine sample since I was 14-15 weeks (I haven't been doing anything, but still, better safe than sorry right?) she gave a prescription for iron pills and all the information on the prescription was wrong (name spelled wrong, wrong address, wrong age) & today was my first appointment for my weekly appointments and I didn't even have it. She scheduled me to come at 3:45 and the office closes at 4:30 or 5. She also scheduled about 8 other pregnant women to see her around the same time as me, including my friend who's appointment was 3:00, but wasn't called back until about 4:00. The office was closing, everyone was leaving, including the staff, and I was STILL waiting , come to find out she forgot I was there. 4:50 the nurse called me back there and told me if I wanted to wait, it'd still be a long wait because 5 other women were ahead of me, INCLUDING MY FRIEND who began texting me telling me she had to take her glucose test. She drank the stuff but the doctor told her never mind on drawing her blood. She messed up HER due date THREE times, accidentally scheduled numerous ultrasounds for her, told her she has to have a c-section & at first didn't even the her why, and didn't draw her blood after making her drink the orange stuff. My grandmother takes me to my appointments and she was EXTREMELY furious about this and made the doctor reschedule my appointment where I now have two appointments next week, because she didn't wanna wait anymore because they forgot about me being there, plus she was starting not to feel good, & I was tired since I had been up all morning. I don't know if I'm not being understanding that she does this by herself, or if this is just plain unprofessional, but I kinda wanna switch doctors. If this is how they are at the office, I'm EXTREMELY worried about how they're gonna be at the hospital they're making me deliver at. No one I know has had their babies at the hospital I'm going to, and I'm nervous about the service there for me and my baby. Is it too late for me to switch? Or should I just wait this out until I have my baby and then switch?