He's here! 38+6


Barely made it to the hospital! 8lbs 2oz 22 inches long! So in love! Due date was 9.18.16!

Friday I was feeling fine, well... pregnant and impatient lol. Our neighbor invited us to come outside and play around 6 pm, came inside about 715. While outside I had some BH, and 3 real contractions. Both of my prior labor's were 10+ hours, so I decided I wanted to labor at home for a little while and not sit in the hospital that long. Contractions then started coming about 30 seconds long, and 15-20 min apart. Again, I really did not want to go into L&D and get sent home and waste everyone's time. Threw my girls in the tub, got them to bed, then around 9 I went to bed myself, contractions about 10-13 min apart. Out of no where I cannot handle the pain, I call my mom about 10 to come get my girls, I stupidly had no gas in the car so my husband goes to the gas station, while i wait for him to come back and get me, Contractions not even 5 min apart. Get to the Hospital, I'm dilated to 6, by the time i get in a room I'm in tears, find out I'm completely dilated now and not able to get an epidural. Start pushing immediately, 3 pushes later this big boy is out! We were at the hospital less than 30 min, and barely got an IV in. Glad I decided not to wait any longer or I would have had him in the car!!!