veins on nips really protruding now???

Jessica Huff • Jessica Huff
Af is due on the 13th or 14th at the latest. Usually around the 12th ever month. Ever since the day after I got my peak I've been cramping. At first their were twinges of pain with it and lots of bloating and gas but that lasted a week and then it went to cramping and constipation and sore nips. My breasts has very large protruding veins that run down straight to my nipple and they are very sensitive. It looks like my areoles are getting huge. The cramping is still there. I've never in my life had these symptoms especially the entire time since my peak. My hubby and I bd from day after period for two weeks straight ever night. Plus we used pre seed soft cups. Prenatal vitamins. And I ate pineapple. Due to the unusual cramping I went to the doctor a week ago which would have been way to early to tell but my hcg levels were 1. It has to be 5 to be considered pregnant. This tww is torture considering I've never had these symptoms. My cervix is medium high. Seems to be closed and very wet with milky school glue type cm. it feels firm but not as firm as usual during this time. Someone please give me some insight here. Any comments are welcomed.