Baby shower question

Sorry this is kinda long. My mom is hosting a baby shower in my home, we are helping pay for it. I greatly appreciate this, however my mom is very over the top and trying to turn this into a very fancy formal thing. I know she is tight on finances and am trying to guide her to more economical choices. Is this rude of me? I personally would rather this be more a BBQ than a multi thousand dollar expense. 
I don't want glassware in the backyard, if anything breaks my chickens could eat it and die. We suggested baby plastic bottles, hubby found some really cute ideas with this!
She doesn't like my furniture, wants me to put everything in the garage and rent furniture she approves of (our expense). I say use what we have. This applies to our outdoor furniture. 
Wants me to wear a bride-style dress.. I flat out told her no on this one. I will dress nice but I will be comfortable.
DH wants to be involved and has his own cute ideas, all of which I love, she shot them down. Nor will she let my MIL help in any way, it's her first grandbaby too. MIL is offering to help make food and decorations that my mom chooses.