Odd expierence last night


Between 6:30 and 7pm I got bad BH like i had to get up and walk around till the subsided. I got 3 in like 30 minutes then none for a while and then two more and so on till like 10pm at night. I don't think my water broke or anything. But this morning everything is wetter. Like consistent discharge wet not like puddle wet and no more BH though and it is just odd. Im not sure what to make of it.

I know eveyone including says you will know when it is truely time but this is still very frustrating. I was induced last time and so I didn't really expierence my water breaking. While they were waiting for the dialation drugs and pitocin to kick in I was having contractions 16 min apart and wasn't feeling them and that was before the epidural. After I was fully dialated and such and had my epidural when hard labor kicked in all i felt was pain so i really don't remember much nor did i feel my water just break or any other beggining stages because i was induced due to slipping in to pre-eclampsia. So very frustrating.