FTM and natural birth

I had planned a natural, non medicated birth from that start. I was blessed with an almost perfect pregnancy and had no complications. I wasn't seeming able to go into labor on my own so my doctors induced me Thursday night (9/8/16). I was so anxious to be in the hospital because that's not how I wanted my labor to start so I wasn't relaxed at all. At 1:00 the nurses gave me small dose of statal which helped me to relax and 30 minutes later my water broke on its own and active labor started immediately. My doula and mom joined my husband and me and we labored for 11 long hours (which I know is relatively short). there were many times I wanted to give up but stuck with my plan and persevered pain med free. After 45 minutes of pushing, my sweet Caleb was born at 12:49 Pm on 9/9/16, 8lbs9oz 20in long. He is absolutely perfect in everyway! Our bodies are amazing the way God intended for us to carry, labor, and deliver. Whether pain Meds or no pain Meds, natural or c section, each new life is beautiful just the way it was intended to come in to this world!