The very bloody mother load of subchorionic hematomas

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I'm posting a long story of my pregnancy because when I was going through this I wanted so badly to hear someone else's story, not just short answers to questions but the actual story, so this may or may not help someone else.

I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks, my husband and I were super excited, we wanted to tell everyone right away but agreed we'd wait until 8 weeks along at minimum.... A week later(6weeks along) I got up one morning to use the rest room, I remember sitting down to pee and looking at my pj bottoms and noticed they were covered in blood...I then looked in the toilet and it was solid bright red.....I instantly thought I miscarried, I rarely cry but I came out of the bathroom and cried to my husband....I called my nurse grandma and cried to her....I then laid on my bed silently for an hour or two while my husband was working....I wasn't cramping.....I wasn't in pain...and there were some small clots but nothing to big.....
So I took myself to the ER, they drew blood and my levels were where they should be for 6 weeks....then they did an ultrasound....and there my baby was and there was my babies heartbeat, tiny and flickering away.....and under my baby was this huge black a green pea to a basketball and that's about the size difference between my baby and the subchorionic hematoma(hemmorage) that was under her....the ER dr came in the room and told me he was 98% sure I'd lose my baby, he wrote me a note so I could stay home from work for a week and wait to lose her. I went home and my bleeding stopped by the next day, I stayed home a couple days then went back to work, we decided we weren't gonna tell anyone I was pregnant even at 8 weeks....
At about 10 weeks I was standing and talking with a co worker about a patient and I remember her eyes getting really wide and I felt wet, I looked down and my scrub pants were visibly drenched in to the ER I went.... I was bleeding much heavier this time....and the ER was packed...they didn't have a room for me and there wasn't a female ultrasound tech there so they had to call the on call one, until then I had to sit out in the waiting room on puppy pads because of my bleeding.....I sat in the waiting room for 7 hours, changing my puppy pad every 25-30minutes....other people in the ER were getting mad and kept telling them to get me in there.....then the female ultrasound tech came running out and grabbed me...she just got there, she asked when I got to the ER and I told her....she said they had just only called her 20minutes before she grabbed me....and she was livid...the guy who was supposed to call her kept forgetting....anyways...another ultrasound and my babies heartbeat is still fluttering.....I wasn't crying at this point, I was exhausted and was sure I was gonna lose my baby this time because I was bleeding much more than before, a different ER dr came in and told me he would like to do a d&c.....he was positive I was gonna lose the baby anyways and during the d&c they could take the hematoma out as well and hopefully stop the bleeding....I told him no, as long as that babies heart is beating I'm gonna give it every chance I I stayed in the hospital so they could monitor my bleeding..
The next day I got a OBGYN so I hopefully wouldn't have to keep going to the ER, he seemed nice enough.....but at about 13 weeks I was bleeding again, I called and spoke with a nurse and told her I wanted to come in for a ultrasound or for them to find the heartbeat with a Doppler, she asked how far I was and I told her about 13 weeks, she made a odd noise and said I wasn't even considered pregnant yet....I stayed silent...I didn't know what to say I was in shock...she put me on hold then got back to say the Dr says there's no point and they will check for a heartbeat at my next appointment in 3 weeks.....I wasn't gonna wait 3 I called another office and explained the situation, they said I needed to grab my medical files from my current OBGYN and rush over to them, it was quite a pain to get those medical records and it took two days....for whatever reason.... I got to my new Drs office and they did a ultrasound first thing, started measuring the hematoma, measuring my baby...incredibly nice....the Dr there was trying to be hopeful but said she didn't wanna get my hopes up either but my baby was still beating for now.....
I continued to bleed randomly late into my second trimester and one day the hematoma was magically dr was shocked....she said that's one of the biggest hematomas she's seen and she's seen even small ones end in miscarriages or people choose to do a d&c because they feel like they'll lose the baby baby defeated the odds, a subchorionic hematoma is not a miscarriage baby made it through one that shocked Drs, I went on to be anemic, then having heart problems and needing a heart monitor and to be induced early....but my daughter made it....and she's almost 5 months old now. If anyone finished reading this thank you! And I hope it helps someone else and gives them hope.